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Paralegal Life

I figured that Y'all are probably interested in hearing about other aspects of our lives and not just about our craft business. Hopefully, I can get Dee Dee to start contributing some of her stories about her life too (I know she has an exciting one to tell right now).

I work as a Family Law Paralegal at Zettersten & Hammond in Murfreesboro, TN. I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing lawyers as well as another amazing paralegal in the building our office is located in. This is a really great thing since I am still new to the profession. We all try to help one another and they are all great about answering questions when I have them. I am also an Academic Consultant for Bryan University's Paralegal program and have students ask me what my job as a paralegal entails so I thought I would make this a part of my blog for my students and others that might be interested in a career as a paralegal.

The majority of what I do daily is drafting legal documents, dealing with our clients, scheduling appointments, and helping keep my attorneys on track and apprised of any issues that may arise. Now this might not sound too complicated, but when you have two attorneys with 100 plus clients with two offices working in several counties it can become a real juggling act. This week alone there were last minute scheduling changes to one of the Judge's docket that conflicted with other obligations that could not be changed, I have had last minute documents to draft that were time sensitive, and documents that need to be done that I need information from a client on but can't get in touch with them.

No matter how stressful it gets though, I love my job.

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